

Carus Remediation Technologies (CRT) is a global leader for environmental remediation and offers a wide range of products to solve your environmental concerns. CRT has been active in the remediation industry for more than a decade, and our products have been successfully applied at thousands of sites throughout the world. Our company is committed to providing you with proven, high quality products and our technical team will help guide you towards successful remediation of contaminated sites. Carus offers solutions for ISCO, bioremediation, and treatment of various contaminants of concern.

Solutions Image

Carus offers solutions for…


The Carus name is synonymous with permanganate. Carus was one of the early leaders in the development of in situ chemical oxidation using permanganate and was instrumental in developing the remediation market…


In addition to chemical oxidation with permanganate as a treatment technology, Carus offers bioremediation products that are designed to stimulate the naturally occurring bacteria in the soil.


Chlorinated solvent contamination is an extensive problem throughout the world due to their wide use during the 20th century in various types of industries: metal processing plants, dry cleaners, and…

Remediation Selection Chart

Treatment Product Chlorinated Ethenes (PCE,TCE, DCE, VC) Other Chlorinated Solvents TPHs / BTEX / PAHs / MTBE Reactive barriers High velocity aquifers Low permability aquifers Free phase LNAPL DNAPL
Chemical treatments ISCO ISCR RemOx® L RemOx® S recomended not applicable not first choice not first choice recomended not first choice not applicable
OBCTM recomended recomended recomended not applicable not applicable not first choice recomended
ABC+ recomended recomended not applicable recomended recomended recomended recomended
RemOx® SR+ recomended recomended recomended recomended not first choice recomended not first choice
Biological treatments bioremediation ABC- Olé recomended not applicable not first choice not first choice recomended not first choice not applicable
ABC® recomended recomended not applicable not applicable not applicable not first choice not applicable
CAP18® CAP18ME® recomended recomended not applicable recomended recomended recomended not applicable
SBC not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable recomended recomended recomended
IXPER® not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable not first choice not applicable not applicable
Oxygel* not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable
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